Seeking: Knight-Like Man

St. Martin’s Academy is looking to fill a House Father position for the 2020-2021 Academic Year.
Check out the job description below to see if you might be the right fit.

The House Father has an essential role at Saint Martin’s Academy.  He is, more or less, with the boys all day, every day.  As such, he is the eyes and ears of those who care most for the students, namely the parents and senior staff.  He is the on-the-ground interpreter and executor of the school’s mission and the faculty and administration’s will.  Most importantly of all, he is the primary role model for the lads of Saint Martin’s–praying, working, studying, singing, and playing amongst and alongside the students.  

Key Attributes:

The ideal House Father would be or possess the following key attributes:

  1. Well acquainted with prayer and determined to persevere in it.  
  2. Well acquainted with arduous physical labor, having a delight in its redeeming capacities and the satisfaction of a job well done.  
  3. A knight-like man, combining appropriate fierceness with meekness.
  4. A high tolerance for physical deprivation–rugged, resilient, possessing adaptability and “true grit.”  
  5. A youthful creativity.  
  6. A poetic knowledge, appreciation, and delight in God’s creatio prima and the best of man’s creatio secunda.
  7. A knowledge and enthusiastic embrace of music and song.
  8. A deep humility, able to laugh at oneself easily.  

Key Responsibilities: 

The House Father’s key responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Pray for the boys and the school. 
  2. Lead boys in prayer, especially Lauds and Compline, the Angelus, the Holy Rosary, and Eucharistic Adoration. 
  3. Lead boys in song and music, broadly understood.   
  4. Support student-prefects in their responsibilities. 
  5. Assist farm foreman by completing assigned farm and facility-maintenance chores.
  6. Lead and support boys in the completion of their farm and facility-maintenance chores.   
  7. Supervise study halls. 
  8. Assist coaches on the field and teachers in the classroom.  
  9. Drive the boys to and from off-site activities.  
  10. Chaperone the boys on field trips.  
  11. Assist in planning for and executing scholastic and extracurricular activities. 
  12. Plan and prepare weekend meals.  
  13. Supervise weekly deep-cleaning of the facilities. 
  14. Supervise the boys during sleeping hours and on-site campouts.
  15. Administer basic discipline and assist administration with more serious offenses.

If you would like to apply for the position, please send a letter of interest and resume to Mr. Bryan Meyers, Dean of Student Life at [email protected].